Senate Republican Leader Grove Reacts to President Trump's Announcement of a Water Agreement for Central Valley Farmers

SACRAMENTOSenate Republican Leader Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) released this statement following President Trump’s visit to Bakersfield and his announcement of a water agreement to ensure a dependable water supply for California’s farmers:

“It was an honor to have President Donald J. Trump visit Bakersfield. By keeping his word to farmers, President Trump has shown his commitment to securing a safe and reliable food supply for American families.

“I appreciate President Trump’s commitment to the biological opinions that support water delivery and sound infrastructure. This is an opportunity for the Governor and the President to work together to support California’s farmers and families by investing in sound water projects. When water flows, food grows. Our farmers must have access to the water they need to ensure food security for American families,” said Senate Republican Leader Shannon Grove.