TOMORROW: Crucial vote for Senator Grove’s bill to create a Safer California for all children

Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield) will present her legislation, Senate Bill 1414, on Tuesday, July 2 during the Assembly Public Safety committee hearing. Advocates and surrogates will attend, including the sponsors of the measure, Love Never Fails and 3Strands Global Foundation.

Senate Bill 1414 is a human trafficking measure that seeks to strengthen protections for children by attempting to make the act of soliciting, agreeing to engage in, or engaging in any act of commercial sex with a minor a felony. 

Unfortunately, amendments forced on the bill in the Senate Public Safety Committee watered down the language and excluded 16 and 17-year-old children from additional protections. Senator Grove is fighting to restore the bills original intent and protect all children. SB 1414 has bipartisan support.

Senator Grove and advocates will offer a reaction outside the committee hearing room after the measure is taken up for a committee vote.  


  • Senator Shannon Grove (R-Bakersfield
  • Human trafficking survivors and advocates


  • Post-reaction media availability following the committee hearing vote


  • Tuesday, July 2 starting at 9:00AM
  • The Assembly Public Safety hearing begins at 9:00AM. Click here to watch the livestream. 


  • California State Capitol, outside Committee hearing room 126 


Media: If you plan on attending the media availability, please RSVP to or send her a text at (858) 999-7706.