Senator Grove Responds to Kern County Board of Supervisors Decision to Oppose Two State Senate Vaccine Bills February 17, 2022
Senator Shannon Grove Co-Sponsors Measure to Address CAL FIRE’s Staffing Shortage January 21, 2022 Image
Senator Grove Co-Sponsors Proposal to Increase CAL FIRE’s Staffing to Prepare for the Wildfire Season December 10, 2021
UPDATED TUESDAY, 10/26/2021: Senator Shannon Grove Hosts Breast Cancer Awareness Drive-Thru to Benefit Local Young Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer October 20, 2021
Senator Grove Responds to Governor Newsom’s Announcement to Mandate Vaccines for Schoolchildren October 1, 2021
Senator Grove’s Op-ed: “Every drop in the bucket counts, but first you need a bucket September 3, 2021
Senator Grove Issues Statement in Response to American Military and Afghan Civilians Killed in Kabul August 26, 2021
Despite $31 Billion in Fraud, Legislative Democrats Hold EDD Fraud Prevention Bill in Committee August 26, 2021
Senator Grove Responds to Kern County Board of Supervisors Decision to File a Lawsuit Against the State of California August 11, 2021